Annual Chief Compliance Officer Forum, produced in
association with Compliance Reporter, provides the timely and
practical information necessary to maintain a measurable culture of
compliance and accountability within your organization.
The forum will be
based on perspectives from your CCO colleagues from Registered
Investment Advisors, Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds and Funds of
Experience the information exchange and networking opportunities that
are impossible at larger trade shows and expos.
Join us to support
Vendor of the
Year Nominee
EZ Custom
EZ Custom Software will be honored at Compliance
Reporter's Achievement in Regulatory Compliance Awards Luncheon during
the 2nd Annual Chief Compliance Officer Forum, March
11, 2007 at The Westin New York at Times Square.
As the investigations into stock option backdating
ballooned, EZ Custom Software saw its client base swell by 60% last
year, to about 160 public company clients' most of which are
U.S.-based. Ez Custom's stock option expense tracking software combines
data from a company's various computer systems related to employee
stock options, including human resources. The software tracks how stock
options are reported to the Securities
and Exchange Commission.
It also tracks insider trading and whether employees are officers or
directors. In addition, it has a record-keeping component that sorts
tax records. The software can be used for compliance with Federal
Accounting Standard 123R, which governs stock option expensing, said
Pesic, managing director in Toronto.
Awards Sponsor

All EZ Custom Software Clients
To Register:
Call 1.800.437.9997 and
Mention Promo Code EVN07EEZC
View ARC Awards' Nominees Here!

Sessions, Developed by CCOs for CCOs,
will Include:
- Personal
Liability and the CCO: Strategies for Protecting Yourself and your
- Navigating
the Risk Matrix: Effectively Utilizing Control Points to Optimize
Transparency and Address Vulnerabilities
- Case
Study: Lessons Learned through Conducting and Evaluating A
Comprehensive Mock Audit
- Anticipating
and Responding to Deficiency Letters
- Outsourcing
Compliance Functions: How and When it Makes Sense
- When
and How to use Forensic Testing Procedures in Support of Your
Compliance Policies and Code of Ethics
CLICK HERE for the
full agenda and expert CCO speaker lineup!
Who Should Attend:
This forum has been designed to meet the needs
of Chief Compliance Officers: It will also be of interest to Compliance
Officers, General Counsel, Outside Counsel, Corporate Secretaries,
Board Directors and Board Members, Auditors, Accountants, Financial
Controllers, Heads of Internal Reporting, Chief Operational Officers,
Chief Financial Officers, Chief Executive Officers, Consultants and
Compliance Technology Providers
4 Easy Ways to Register:
Phone: 1.800.437.9997 or Fax: Email: registration@iievents.com
Web: www.iievents.com